Sunday, October 31, 2004
hey everybody...it's almost halloween...haha right on... everybodys sick practically lol but WE FINALLY GOT A HOUSE!! for rent but it's all guuuuttt!!! lol I get to live in the house by the house it's right off highway 63 and u get on 60 St. SW and you can see the house right from the highway sooo yeah....itz pretty easy to get to...tomorrow I'm gunna see-Saw!!! haha go to Jonathan Duenes's website...he's awesum and so iz his website www.xperience-labs.com but yeah halloween's gunna be okay i guess...for the past two whole dayz I've been walking over to Brandon LaMoyne's house and hanging out with him cuz I haven't seen him for like ever!!! NIN is kool...sooo is Muse and System Of A down...Deron is hott especially in the musick video "Chop Suey!" but yeah I gotta go for now...i'll try to get pics or something in here but idk...peace
Monday, October 25, 2004
sup????? i thinkk....
w00t!!! grant moved back in...YEEES I FINALLY GOT CAT HAT YEEEEEEEESSS!! ooh and i'm going out with Josh KamRowski hmm...I love him!! he has his licease too and a ghetto truck lol its prety kool and im goin to his party saturday i might get pictures to post on here sooo be aware of that....im wearing cat hat!!1 ooh yess oooh and joshua wood dyed his hair it looks pretty gangster...its like my color of sum of my hair THAT COPIER!! lol yeh I like went to emma's after school...lisa is pissed cuz of josh k...it sux...OOH SATURDAY SHOULD BE TOMORROW i cant wait...im also drinking dr.pepper...gtg for now peace -stenz AKA cat hat wearer #2-
hmm...this weekend was a blast really it was
well for the past several days i've not writen I've mainly hung out with Grant...but Richard one day...until they moved out...:-(...ooh well he can always bike over the hotel which is kool too BUT I THINK HIM AND HIS MOM MOVED BACK IN but im really not sure...this weekend was awesum dude Saturday I went up to Lewiston with Lisa and we went to the bowling alley and went down this creepy new street that we've never been down before because they just built it and then we met chris and ryan at the alley. Then we met this other dude named Ryan he had an awesum car dude he had sweet ass subwoofers in his trunk of his car and two lights that looked like a cop car then he had flashing strob lights on the back and it's tight dude it like gets u horny when u sit in the back seat...Then later on, after we went down the creepy road...we saw josh leave his house with his crappy truck lol and we were like OMFG HE'S GOIN TO THE BOWLING ALLEY!!! soo we like ran over to the bowling alley cuz it wasnt that far away from his house...yeah then we saw him, i had a couple of smokes with him and lisa then he was like "you and lisa should come over to my house and we can go in the hot tub." sooo we discussed it for a while but then we had to ditch ryan, chelsea, and chris sooo chris got all pissy and was like skrew this i'm going home soo he went home. Then Ryan did cuz he heard what we were gunna do. Then josh said he was gunna drive to his house soo me and lisa jumped in the truck which was awesum lol then I had to sit on her lap over there which was kool...then we changed into HIS clothes!! we looked like regular gangstas i swear lol then we went into the hot tub which was outside and yesterday night it was like freezing and raining and stuff and it was soooooo warm!!!...it was funn too lol he was sooo weird...then we got out and changed in his room and I GOT THE CAT HAT FINALLY well at least for the rest of the week until his party saturday in his hot tub...then bleeegh ill tell the rest tomorrow
Thursday, October 21, 2004
bleeegh bleeegh bleeegh
sup everybody...I just gotten back from the laundry room cuz I was doing laundry ooh yeah...Grant's like sick and that sux...he came home from school and everything soo yeah I couldnt hang out with him...well today was boring...first I woke up, I ate a dough-nut then my dad took me to school, I went to door 6 and chilled with jennifer to my locker then to my hang out place, I hung out with kirk josh nate dustin and jake and sam, then blain and grant came in soo I chilled over with them and then I went to first hour, it suxed, then second suxed again, third was boring, fourth was funny cuz we watched a latin comedy, fifth TOTALLY BORING!!! sixth: lunch was okay...I chilled with emz, jenn, danny, ken, dylan, nate, and otherz then I had ice cream :-), seventh was okay too cuz math is kinda kool, eighth was okay cuz science is kool as well, then I got home...I waited until grant got here...then I went up to his room and his mom was walking out to go somewhere and she told me he was really sick and so she left then I went up to his room as well and indeed he was sick....so we pounded our little handshake lol then we said our goodbyes and I left and told him to come to my room if he felt better but he didnt and here i am just chillen...g2g peace -dj stenz-
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Hey today was boring...I woke up...took a shower, went to my aunt's to take my brother there...then I went out to the trailer just to chill for a little bit, then I cant remember what the fuck i did...then i went to cubz bought guutt ass popcorn then I went back to the hotel...THEN I FIGURED OUT ONE OF MY FRIENDS LIVED HERE!! Which was totally awesum...so then when i got there I went on the computer for a couple hourz then I went back to like skate or something in the parking lot...then I saw Grant and sooo I hung out with him for a little bit.... then I just hung out until like 9:20 and now here I am eating sum guttt ass popkorn well I gtg...Peaceummmzzz...-Stenz-
ITS 12 28 BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!!! lol it rhymes!!!
dude today was weird first i woke up, then my mom went to work so me and randy were alone at the hotel and we switched off literally...one hour: tv next hour: computer and so on and so one...then i tryed callin jennifer to see if we could hang out but i didnt get ahold of her then we went out to eat at the golden corral and i saw mr. newton my industrial technologyy teacher in like 7th grade then we went to gamestop then radio shake then josh called me and asked me if i wanted to go to jake's birthday party soo im like sure... soo i went to rec lanes and we bowled like 5 games and i met these chicks named danielle and her cuzin, danielle's koool and went out with my cuzin eric in 6th grade we got carried away with hy-liters cuz they turned off the lights and the party lights on and we were all lite up with yellow hy-liter it was kewl yeah then i went to jakes with josh and hung out for like an hour and a half and had chinese food it was guuttt lol watched sum napolean dynamite and other very random music videos then this scary thing happened the power went out for like 2 seconds we heard a boom then it went back on it was pretty freaky ALIENS WERE ATTACKING man but yeah then my mom like called jake's cell phone and she came and picked me up and now here i am drinking ice cold water and preparing to take a shower...guten nacht and happy birthday jacob geiser (iamthatdizzy.blogspot.com) PeAcE and this wuzz brought to you by: Stenz AKA Stensil GUTEN NACHT i kno its the 17th and jake's birthday was yesterday but i didnt get back to the hotel room until like 12:15 soooo yeah this was yesterday PEACEummmzz
Saturday, October 16, 2004

My Mom, Mary In The Kitchen In The Hotel And She Did Not Want This Pic On My Blog But It Is MWAHAHA
Posted by Hello

My Brother, Randy On A Bed In The Hotel, Another Random Light Is Above The Chair By The Bed haha
Posted by Hello

Two Random Lights Above The Beds In The Hotel Along With The Picture Up On The Wall...Plain Randomness
Posted by Hello
Thursday, October 14, 2004
I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus!!!
Today was lame...I rode the bus, drank a mountain dew pitch black while I was listening to music while Jennifer was trying to talk to me...OOH and today jennifer also spazzed out and said, "WHAT?? WHERE DID I PUT MY BACKPACK?" (the last place we were was at here classroom) then I explained that she put it in her classroom and she calmed down ooh yes and I told her that convo would be in here too... Well anyways I went to first hour like normal to Choir then we practiced on the risers cuz our concerts coming up... then I got into second hour then my throat started to hurt then I asked Mr. Huesman if I could go to the nurses office but he didn't let me CUZ HE'S A DICK!!! Then I went to Mr. Thorson's room afterwards to my study hall then he let me go then I did and Allen Jeter and his friend were in there too then this dude named Colin fell asleep and we were all laughing and hitting him and stuff it was pretty funny stuff... then I went home well to Cathy and Jamie's, I had to go with my mom to work I got home around 4 or so but atleast I missed after school study hall that would've been geeay!! And here I am now listening to Flogging Molly..My brother says the darpa chef died from Metal Gear Solid and he did... I WANT DDR!!! grrr...whoever wants to go with me to American Head Charge let me know ASAP!!! peace for now -stensil-
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
hahaha well today was quite interesting...first I woke up this grabbed 2 mountain dew pitch blacks then I got on the bus...I sat by Corey on the bus then I drank my pop and listened to music then I got to school and had pop number 2 and hung out with Jake, Josh, Kirk, Nate, Sam, and Dustin then I went to my testing class type thing. Got done with that then I went to Study Hall and chilled and listened to music in there for like ever. Then I went to English it was hilariously boring. Then I went to lunch and chilled out with Nichola, Nicci, Josh, Jake, Jennifer, Maria, Dustin, Emma, Danny, Ken, and Nate. I had two twist ice cream cups cuz ice cream is yummy!! haha this one teacher checked out Emma when she bent over cuz she was wearing a short skirt haha...then the teacher smiled at us cuz everybody looked at him weird lol he's like 30 and HE CHECKED OUT EMMA JO DAHL!!! haha then I went to math...I took this test that I probably failed because I got like none of the stuff but then I got a pass for after school to help Mrs. Herring to tutor me and of course I caught on and got it AFTER the test and knew the stuff but yeah...life goes on...then I went to science and yeah then the bell rang...then I went to Mrs. Bodine's room SHES A BIOTCH i think but sometimes she's alright and I had the after school study hall shit lol and Dustin and Chellie were there too sooo it made it funn funn...then my mom took Chellie home then we went home and I made egg rolls and ate them and now I'm having another Mountain Dew Pitch Black haha... ttyl peace -StEnSiL-
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Well Hello my blogger fellows...MAYOS ICE CREAM IS AWESUM LOL!!! yup this is my short ass post today. Well I went to this after school program thing and met this really kool girl named Amber she's in 10th grade and was friends with Larry and Crystal. Hmmm...Well Imma go to bed now.. Peace - Stensil AKA Stenz -
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Monday, October 11, 2004
New Blog Change
Hey everybody this is my new blog because my other one would't work...it was quite odd but oh well i like the name of this one better...I just want to give sum love to my friendz lol by putting there blog in here...
Josh Wood- hazzaa.blogspot.com
Jake Geiser- iamthatdizzy.blogspot.com
Kayla Weise- kaylaweise.blogspot.com
Kirk Thomas- bumperstkr.blogspot.com
Under The Lotus (We Don't Die) Black Rain Falls Indoors and Outside...
Nothings fine, LIVING THIS WAY!!
Hmmm...well today is October 11th of the year 2004 and at the end of the month I am moving across from Longfellow for 7 months. Today I went to school, chilled until lunch, then I had food ...haha no way i went to lunch and i had ...food?...that's so strange then I had ice cream...it's quite guuutt...then danny got mustard on his hand and me and emma cracked up at the same time...something seemed wrong with dustin he was all bleeegh!!! Jessica tryed to cheer him up... hmmm...Josh is wounded on his hand by his pinky...then school got out and i was boring and lame after school so I just took the bus home...wow what an exciting day...right?? that's it for now and thanks for coming to the Stensil. Plzzz Plzz Plzz come again.
ps-leave a comment ooh ya i typed this and got done at 4 20 haha
Josh Wood- hazzaa.blogspot.com
Jake Geiser- iamthatdizzy.blogspot.com
Kayla Weise- kaylaweise.blogspot.com
Kirk Thomas- bumperstkr.blogspot.com
Under The Lotus (We Don't Die) Black Rain Falls Indoors and Outside...
Nothings fine, LIVING THIS WAY!!
Hmmm...well today is October 11th of the year 2004 and at the end of the month I am moving across from Longfellow for 7 months. Today I went to school, chilled until lunch, then I had food ...haha no way i went to lunch and i had ...food?...that's so strange then I had ice cream...it's quite guuutt...then danny got mustard on his hand and me and emma cracked up at the same time...something seemed wrong with dustin he was all bleeegh!!! Jessica tryed to cheer him up... hmmm...Josh is wounded on his hand by his pinky...then school got out and i was boring and lame after school so I just took the bus home...wow what an exciting day...right?? that's it for now and thanks for coming to the Stensil. Plzzz Plzz Plzz come again.
ps-leave a comment ooh ya i typed this and got done at 4 20 haha