Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hi all!

I guess I should just give everybody an update on things and how they've been. My life is general has been great. I live in an apartment complex called The Atrium in Burnsville, MN. It's pretty kool. Burnsville turned out to be better then ever. I like it up in the suburbs of the cities. No one knows my past haha I guess. It's nice to get a fresh start with people and meeting new people is fun too. Meg has been my main friend though. She is really nice and she is just like me. Co-Workers are good people. I also sometimes hang out with Josh, Will, Jason, and just whoever comes up I guess, it's pretty random.
Nathan and I are doing great. He's almost done with school. That's going to be a big stress reliever trust me. Also, I hope he finds a nice job. It's going to be really hard to deal with this job thing too. I'm not quite sure where he is applying after school but we're going to have to make another HUGE decision. This will affect the entire rest of our life. The huge decision is what is going to happen after school. Is he going to apply where we live now (suburbs, Minneapolis, St. Paul), Rochester, or somewhere else. This is going to affect my job, my family, and us.
Next will be my career at McDonald's. Lol. I recently went to Advanced Shift Management. I learned a lot about P&L reports and whatnot. I am currently the Department Manager of the Kitchen. I order stuff for the kitchen to make sure we have proper equipment and I'm also in control of food cost, which I think is a HUGE step in my career. Most managers don't learn how to control it until they're like 1st Assistant AKA Department Manager III. Yup, just hoping my stat tomorrow is good. Keep your fingers crossed! We also got a new op. consultant at our store. No longer is Jan our ops consultant. It's now Corey and he seems pretty laid back and nice. I also switched stores since my last post. I work at Lakeville McStop right by I-35 and I love it.
Next will be school... I just hope someday I can take college classes again. I'm just waiting til Nathan gets a good job then maybe I can afford to go.
WoW is still in my life. I'm currently working on getting my Loremaster achievements. Our guild is kind of falling apart. Loricatus Sanctus, we used to raid a lot, now we really haven't like at all. I have 3 85s, an Unholy Deathknight (deathstenz), Prot Pally (koxistence), and Shadow Priest (stenz) that Nathan plays all the time.
Random stuff. I miss my old friends, I really do, I don't know what happened after high school. Lol. Everybody just sort of went their own ways. I guess it's for the best though huh. I miss Rochester and Andrew. Andrew is a really good friend too.

Welll... I don't really have anything else to say here. I think I'm going to look it over though again. It's funny to read what you write in the past. Also I found out that my ex Dustin Sopher that I mention in a few posts a few years ago died. I guess he overdosed in drugs :\. It really is a shame.

Well until next time!


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