Sunday, February 27, 2005
This weekend was interesting. Friday night I went to bed around 1. I woke up the next day around 3:30 - 4. Then I'm like "woh i slept that long!! HOLY SHIT!" Yeah I woke up exactly when my mom got home, she probably woke me up. Woke up, played sum SMmax, then waited until Jake got home from work cuz we were gunna hang out that day. My mom dropped me off at his house around 6. My mom, brother, and his friend Matt all went to Board To Death. Me and Jake mainly watched tons of Cowboy Bebop well actually only 5 episodes, not much but it was great anyway. Then we watched some Dodgeball. God it seems like I am soo copying Jake's post. Yes then it was like 25% done then my mother called Jake's house and said she was in the driveway. Then I hugged Jake as usual. Then we kissed cough*made out*cough. It was great. Then I went home. Played more SMmax then went to bed. This morning I woke up at about 9 something but it seemed like 2 or 3. Endless Sorrow by Ayumi Hamasaki is a great song! OUch I just cracked my knuckle. Then I played more SMmax and was dying to watch Cowboy Bebop, Ed is awesum! Techno is awesum! Ooh yea and "As The Rush Comes" by Motorcycle is mine and Jake's "song". Great song! Then later today at about 5 I was gunna hang out with Jake, Josh, and Brit at Jake's house but it ended up that Brit had a big mess with her parentals. Which really sucked cuz she was like crying on the phone (im sooo sorry brittany) It's all good though. We're all going to Jake's tomorrow after school to watch the oc 13 and 14, and 24 ep. 10 and 11. The two best series shows ever! This is actually quite a small post. Hmmm... Well C ya all.. Luv ya Jake! -STenZ.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Ok expressing thoughts
Hmmm... yes I do believe blogs can be used to express your thoughts about something in your life. I think Chicken needs to stay out of Jake and Maria's business. Chicken is just a little bitch. I think he needs to go to hell. Then Maria's "bestfriend" came over and that was quite funny. We got her totally pissed off, Josh was great. Our school has tons of poser faggots like Chicken. It sucks. I think Jake should have a right to put whatever he wants to into his blog, it's his choice. Wow and I also have no F's on my report card soo far!! YES! Yeah! Today I got a new element shirt, new nose rings, and new under garments! I also saw Josh at the mall. He was in Pacsun buying a new sweatshirt. I also got SMmax yesterday. It is the best. DDR is the best! Yeah my new bag is awesum. AHH IM A DDRFREQ!!! Waka Laka is a good song soo is the Somewhere Over The Rainbow one on SMmax. AHH but I soo have to get the USB pad connnector for the computer on Red Octane! Yeah I guess I'm getting it now! I just put in the order on RedOctane right now. Man I'm tired... well this is all I gotta say right now. Peace Out ^_- Luv ya Jake!
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Yeah this weekend... hmmm.... it was CRAZY! Crazy as in a good thing and bad thing. It was really fun but the Josh part... not so kool. Yeah I guess I'll start off on Saturday.
Hmmm... Saturday can't really remember it at all. I think I went to walmart unless that was Sunday. MY BRAIN IZ DEAD! Yeah It was Saturday when I went to walmart and saw Jennifer so she told me to come over but I didn't really feel up to it and I think my DDR Messanger Bag shipped YAY! Yeah that was pretty much the beginning of the "great" Saturday morning. AHA! Now i remember, Jake came over when he was done with work at about 6 I think. He had to fix my computer and tried to fix my broken printer. He actually found a remix of Look At Us Now that he has not heard. It's a great mix though. We played DDR for a bit as well. Then it got later. His dad called and wanted him home at like 9-10, so I called my mom cuz she said she defineatly would bring him home. But it ended up that she didn't get home 'til about 12-1. Both of us ended up getting yelled at by our parents. But I guess that was just a bad night. SUNDAY!
Sunday was just another normal day. My half brother came down and the Planning of the Monday. My BIGGG party was gunna be then but it wasn't really big but it was good anyway. (As the Rush Comes (sweeping strings mix) by Motorcycle is a great song) MONDAY! Yeah I'm sorta copying Jake's MONDAY and SATURDAY things.
THE MONDAY! Yeah I woke up at about 12 something then I heard my mom was gunna come home in about 4 hours soo I quickly told everybody ehhh... maybe next weekend. Yeah then Josh texted my computer from his phone and asked when him and Brit could come over. I told them about the "stuff". Then they just put their drinks in water bottles. So they came over and I was cleaning like a motherfucker before they came cuz it was totally messy then I actually cleaned my room downstairs. Jake couldn't come over until 5:30-6. Jake had to work. Shane was over as well. Shane is my old neighbor and I've known his family since I was like 3. He's pretty kool. Brittany took Shane home at about 5. We dropped him off then I had "kool-aid". It was good even though I really should not have drank anything at all. Life goes on I guess right? Sure. Then Jake came over with his 100 dollar dance pad!!! HAPPINESS!! Yeah we played sum DDR. I'm actually getting better! I can actually do Heavy Mode without failing all the time! Dance Dance Revolution is the "shit". The best game in the world. (my foot is falling asleep really really bad .. AAAH the pain!!!) Holy Shit!!! My foot, lol I hate that, god it did it again. K try not to move my foot. AHHH!!!! Okay it's all good. You ARe The One (Dj Tinman's MIx) by Whyte Shadow is a great song. God I really need an iPod. Okay back on the subject. Me Jake Josh and Brittany all watched Kung-Fu Hustle (GREAT MOVIE) and an awesum episode of 24! 24 is an awesum series even though I haven't even seen the whole season! I NEED TO! Right after that everybody went home, my whole entire family was at Red Lobster. I was really lonely. So I just chatted on the computer and played games. I was too tired to play DDR... WAIT!!! Did I just say too tired to play DDR? Nah. Can't say that. I guess I just really didn't feel like playing it. Yeah I went to bed right after everybody got home.
THEN it was my half brother's christmas time!! He opened his presents that have been wrapped since christmas. So we took pictures and acted like it was christmas all over again. It was pretty kool. Sex and the City is a pretty good series. I watched a couple episodes with Dustin (half-bro). I got him season 5. Then we all went to bed. Then I woke up to get ready this morning. My dad woke me up like usual. Then I was soo tired that I ended up sleeping until about 5-10 minutes right before the bus came. I was like SHIT and got ready really super fast. I hate when I have to do that. Yeah then school went by really fast. Lunch was interesting. Dustin Schreader made an apple turn into a stress ball I swear to god cuz it was seriously totally mushy. He mainly followed me around the whole cafeteria but yeah that's just Dustin. I sat with Miranderz and Chellie, then went over to wear Dustin Sopher and Angela Murphy were sitting. Then went to Dustin Schreader's table, then to Charlotte's then back to Dustin sopher's table. Dustin Sopher is really annoying. Yeah then the rest of the day went by like normal. Jennifer told me to come over tonight but I'll just tell her I couldn't cuz I really actually couldn't. Now I'm listening to Dir en Grey and talking to Maddy, she goes to Lourdes. She is very kool.
- Jake, you are the greatest ^_^ I love you very muchez!!! *kiss*
-Peace all, StenZ.
Hmmm... Saturday can't really remember it at all. I think I went to walmart unless that was Sunday. MY BRAIN IZ DEAD! Yeah It was Saturday when I went to walmart and saw Jennifer so she told me to come over but I didn't really feel up to it and I think my DDR Messanger Bag shipped YAY! Yeah that was pretty much the beginning of the "great" Saturday morning. AHA! Now i remember, Jake came over when he was done with work at about 6 I think. He had to fix my computer and tried to fix my broken printer. He actually found a remix of Look At Us Now that he has not heard. It's a great mix though. We played DDR for a bit as well. Then it got later. His dad called and wanted him home at like 9-10, so I called my mom cuz she said she defineatly would bring him home. But it ended up that she didn't get home 'til about 12-1. Both of us ended up getting yelled at by our parents. But I guess that was just a bad night. SUNDAY!
Sunday was just another normal day. My half brother came down and the Planning of the Monday. My BIGGG party was gunna be then but it wasn't really big but it was good anyway. (As the Rush Comes (sweeping strings mix) by Motorcycle is a great song) MONDAY! Yeah I'm sorta copying Jake's MONDAY and SATURDAY things.
THE MONDAY! Yeah I woke up at about 12 something then I heard my mom was gunna come home in about 4 hours soo I quickly told everybody ehhh... maybe next weekend. Yeah then Josh texted my computer from his phone and asked when him and Brit could come over. I told them about the "stuff". Then they just put their drinks in water bottles. So they came over and I was cleaning like a motherfucker before they came cuz it was totally messy then I actually cleaned my room downstairs. Jake couldn't come over until 5:30-6. Jake had to work. Shane was over as well. Shane is my old neighbor and I've known his family since I was like 3. He's pretty kool. Brittany took Shane home at about 5. We dropped him off then I had "kool-aid". It was good even though I really should not have drank anything at all. Life goes on I guess right? Sure. Then Jake came over with his 100 dollar dance pad!!! HAPPINESS!! Yeah we played sum DDR. I'm actually getting better! I can actually do Heavy Mode without failing all the time! Dance Dance Revolution is the "shit". The best game in the world. (my foot is falling asleep really really bad .. AAAH the pain!!!) Holy Shit!!! My foot, lol I hate that, god it did it again. K try not to move my foot. AHHH!!!! Okay it's all good. You ARe The One (Dj Tinman's MIx) by Whyte Shadow is a great song. God I really need an iPod. Okay back on the subject. Me Jake Josh and Brittany all watched Kung-Fu Hustle (GREAT MOVIE) and an awesum episode of 24! 24 is an awesum series even though I haven't even seen the whole season! I NEED TO! Right after that everybody went home, my whole entire family was at Red Lobster. I was really lonely. So I just chatted on the computer and played games. I was too tired to play DDR... WAIT!!! Did I just say too tired to play DDR? Nah. Can't say that. I guess I just really didn't feel like playing it. Yeah I went to bed right after everybody got home.
THEN it was my half brother's christmas time!! He opened his presents that have been wrapped since christmas. So we took pictures and acted like it was christmas all over again. It was pretty kool. Sex and the City is a pretty good series. I watched a couple episodes with Dustin (half-bro). I got him season 5. Then we all went to bed. Then I woke up to get ready this morning. My dad woke me up like usual. Then I was soo tired that I ended up sleeping until about 5-10 minutes right before the bus came. I was like SHIT and got ready really super fast. I hate when I have to do that. Yeah then school went by really fast. Lunch was interesting. Dustin Schreader made an apple turn into a stress ball I swear to god cuz it was seriously totally mushy. He mainly followed me around the whole cafeteria but yeah that's just Dustin. I sat with Miranderz and Chellie, then went over to wear Dustin Sopher and Angela Murphy were sitting. Then went to Dustin Schreader's table, then to Charlotte's then back to Dustin sopher's table. Dustin Sopher is really annoying. Yeah then the rest of the day went by like normal. Jennifer told me to come over tonight but I'll just tell her I couldn't cuz I really actually couldn't. Now I'm listening to Dir en Grey and talking to Maddy, she goes to Lourdes. She is very kool.
- Jake, you are the greatest ^_^ I love you very muchez!!! *kiss*
-Peace all, StenZ.
Sunday, February 20, 2005

This is Jake's DDRmax2 cd case cover thingy. Yeah it's kool. DDR is just plain koolness.
Posted by Hello
Friday, February 18, 2005
comments every1!
If anybody can read this... comment please cuz some ppl say they cannot see my posts.
thanx, STENZ
thanx, STENZ
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Monday, February 14, 2005
God Damn!!!
Yeah sure, I get ready for the bus when my dad comes down and announces TWO-HOUR DELAY god. haha that's awesum we got a 2-hour delay. It's not time to create a mini playlist on Musicmatch and listen to it and fall back asleep. Goodnight ladies and gentlemen!!! C ya all at school. >_>
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Wow... my sweetheart was WWAAYY better then homecoming... that's for sure. But it still could have been better. Jake is totally awesome and I love him tonz. The music... HAHA... can u say GAY? Yeah but one thing with the Dj system turned the speakers and everything off during a rap song... it was great. Everybody was like starring at Jake cuz Jake was just like, "YEEESSS rap sucks." It was great.
I'll start from the beginning of my Saturday right now... Well I woke up at about 11 because my mom's like yeah we have to get the corsage and you HAVE to clean the basement sooo I was doing that all day until 2 while listening to music though soo that was kinda kool. Then we went into town, first we went to Hyvee's to get grocerys. Then to the Flowerama place to get Jake's corsage. We then went home.
I chilled at home, got ready, then left to Jake's at about 5 40. I got there and then he showed me what he got extra in the mail, which was pretty insane cuz he got this Korean/RnB pop band's poster and a VD of a concert he didn't even order as well. He also got an Ayumi Hamosaki calender. Ayumi is kool. We were the only ones there then Josh calls Jake about 5 minutes after I get there soo then he comes over and we go insane for like an hour then we decided to watch Office Space while waiting for Brit. We ordered China Star, then Brittany got there and we went to get it and we brought it back to Jakes and continued Office Space. We were like, "We're not leaving until we watch all of Office Space." Soo we got about 3/4 and we decided to go.
We got to the dance at around 9-9:30. It was weird cuz like 10 other girls had the same dress as me. That's the first thing Emma pointed out to me. Like 5 other girls had the same dress as hers which was great as well. Ahh the dance, interesting as in meaning the same as well. The music sucked. Rap Sucks. Everybody who likes rap sucks. Yeah I got to pop a balloon, suck in Helium, and tape a yellow balloon to my head and Michelle took a picture of me with it on my head with me approaching to poke Jake in the arm. It's gunna turn out really freaky. Me and Emma mainly danced while Jake listened to his iPod. It comes quitely in handy. hmm.. is quitely even a word? I doubt it. Jake was also my chair for a little bit. Then Brittany's parents showed up to chaperone. All the hockey parents did.
Then 11:30 approached. We then left Mayo to Dennys. Yes I agree with what is in Jake's blog, we did have a very boring and pointless waiter. He was just kinda "there." I had coffee and 2 cheese sticks. Brittany also had one cheese stick. Yeah we just mainly talked throughout our visit at Dennys. Then we left and outside by Brittany's parents van these one dudes were totally wasted and one puked. Then Brittany gave me a ride home cuz she's really kool. Yeah now they know where I live, nobody else really knows besides my fellow bus riders who live by me and Jennifer and Brandon just because he looked at it to try to rent it as well. Jake kissed me!!! I was excited! Then they left. Now here I am listening to "I Will Love Again" by Lara Fabian. It's a good song but I'm trying to get "Strange and Beautiful" by Aqualung to download but Winmx is totally gay these days. Well takes for taking a look at probably the longest post I will have on my blog ever. Well im off. Peace. -StenZ.
I'll start from the beginning of my Saturday right now... Well I woke up at about 11 because my mom's like yeah we have to get the corsage and you HAVE to clean the basement sooo I was doing that all day until 2 while listening to music though soo that was kinda kool. Then we went into town, first we went to Hyvee's to get grocerys. Then to the Flowerama place to get Jake's corsage. We then went home.
I chilled at home, got ready, then left to Jake's at about 5 40. I got there and then he showed me what he got extra in the mail, which was pretty insane cuz he got this Korean/RnB pop band's poster and a VD of a concert he didn't even order as well. He also got an Ayumi Hamosaki calender. Ayumi is kool. We were the only ones there then Josh calls Jake about 5 minutes after I get there soo then he comes over and we go insane for like an hour then we decided to watch Office Space while waiting for Brit. We ordered China Star, then Brittany got there and we went to get it and we brought it back to Jakes and continued Office Space. We were like, "We're not leaving until we watch all of Office Space." Soo we got about 3/4 and we decided to go.
We got to the dance at around 9-9:30. It was weird cuz like 10 other girls had the same dress as me. That's the first thing Emma pointed out to me. Like 5 other girls had the same dress as hers which was great as well. Ahh the dance, interesting as in meaning the same as well. The music sucked. Rap Sucks. Everybody who likes rap sucks. Yeah I got to pop a balloon, suck in Helium, and tape a yellow balloon to my head and Michelle took a picture of me with it on my head with me approaching to poke Jake in the arm. It's gunna turn out really freaky. Me and Emma mainly danced while Jake listened to his iPod. It comes quitely in handy. hmm.. is quitely even a word? I doubt it. Jake was also my chair for a little bit. Then Brittany's parents showed up to chaperone. All the hockey parents did.
Then 11:30 approached. We then left Mayo to Dennys. Yes I agree with what is in Jake's blog, we did have a very boring and pointless waiter. He was just kinda "there." I had coffee and 2 cheese sticks. Brittany also had one cheese stick. Yeah we just mainly talked throughout our visit at Dennys. Then we left and outside by Brittany's parents van these one dudes were totally wasted and one puked. Then Brittany gave me a ride home cuz she's really kool. Yeah now they know where I live, nobody else really knows besides my fellow bus riders who live by me and Jennifer and Brandon just because he looked at it to try to rent it as well. Jake kissed me!!! I was excited! Then they left. Now here I am listening to "I Will Love Again" by Lara Fabian. It's a good song but I'm trying to get "Strange and Beautiful" by Aqualung to download but Winmx is totally gay these days. Well takes for taking a look at probably the longest post I will have on my blog ever. Well im off. Peace. -StenZ.
Friday, February 11, 2005
DDR's the best!!!
haha I like went to nonstop mode and got to stage 48 with a high combo of 531. That's pretty kool. StenZ.
YES yes YES!!
yeah this weekend there will be a huge new update and post.. this weekend is gunna rock!!! Sweetheart will be awesum!!! Ooh and by the way.. me and Jake are going out... hehe... i love you jake!!! c ya everybody -StenZ. ps- we're goin to China Star before the dance instead of Burger King...!!! :-P
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
hmmm... hopes are up :-)
Valentine's Day.. might not be as bad as I thought it would be.. I have a date to sweetheart (DiZZy "Jake"). haha Before the dance me, Brit, Jake, and Josh are gunna go to Jake's house and watch Office Space then we're going to Brittany's I guess for pictures (ooh god) and then off to burger king for a pre-sweetheart dinner/lunch type thing. Then It's party time which should be awesum cuz I actually have Jake! I'm soo happy now. Then the after-party lol.. we will be going to Denny's which we went to after homecoming as well soo I guess it's a little tradition?? Hmm... Well just thought I'd talk about my upcoming weekend :-) <^_^>
- StenZ.
- StenZ.
Monday, February 07, 2005

This Is A Picture Of My Little Brother Randy And Half-Brother Dustin. It Was Way Back When I Was In 7th Grade. It's Also At My Old House.
Posted by Hello
Above or below (wherever they put the picture) is kool.
hmmm... valetine's day and sweetheart?? Kind of gay when you're just there and single. You always have your friends but they're always away doing stuff with their boyfriend/girlfriend. Here I am. Alone. Nobody to go with to Sweetheart. Thinking if I should go... or not? My Valentine's this year is fucked. Peace - Dj StenZ. PS- Atleast I'll get to go skiing in gym tomorrow :-)
hmmm... valetine's day and sweetheart?? Kind of gay when you're just there and single. You always have your friends but they're always away doing stuff with their boyfriend/girlfriend. Here I am. Alone. Nobody to go with to Sweetheart. Thinking if I should go... or not? My Valentine's this year is fucked. Peace - Dj StenZ. PS- Atleast I'll get to go skiing in gym tomorrow :-)
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Some Friend's Stuff... Check It Out.. DiZ & Ob have really great music.
Jake Geiser's (DiZZy) Blog
Josh Wood's (Oblivious) Blog
Kayla Weise's Blog
Elisabeth Miller's Blog
Kirk Thomas's Blog
Angie Murphy's Blog
Dj Oblivious's Music
DiZZy Dj's Music
Amanda Thomas's (Daze) Blog
Paranoia's Blog
a href="">Dustin Schraeder (Or something like that)'s Blog
JUst giving my friends tonz of support i love them!!! Visit there site now biotch.
Josh Wood's (Oblivious) Blog
Kayla Weise's Blog
Elisabeth Miller's Blog
Kirk Thomas's Blog
Angie Murphy's Blog
Dj Oblivious's Music
DiZZy Dj's Music
Amanda Thomas's (Daze) Blog
Paranoia's Blog
a href="">Dustin Schraeder (Or something like that)'s Blog
JUst giving my friends tonz of support i love them!!! Visit there site now biotch.
My weekend soo far.
Hello. This is Stacee to tell you about my weekend. William Sanborn and I stayed "after school" Friday to hang out. We went to Bear Creek. He wanted a smoke soo I waited for him to get down and we hung out with this like 19 year old senior that is in his 5th year of high school. He left before us, we walked from there, over to Longfellow, chilled there and listened to music by the baseball fields. We then walked over to Brandon's, he went home because it was like 5:30 and he was supposed to be home earlier than that but yeah whatever. Brandon and I drove up to his mom's house then just chilled until about 10 pm. My mom picked me up. It was actually quite really boring at Brandon's and I kinda really wanted to leave. Then I went home and to bed. On Saturday my dad, mom, and brother went to Dennys and I ate a BBQ Chicken Sandwich. My dad drove me over to Angie's house. Then Angie and I went to the mall. I saw Blaine, Korina, Schmitty, Matt W., Ryan M., Brittany R., Desiree (Bro's Classmates), Angie (well obviously) ooh not very many people but it was all good. First, we went to Hot Topic because it was in the foocourt (haha) where we had gotten dropped off soo yeah... we didn't stay there long. After that, we went to the Disney Store to look at a variety of things for absolutely no reason at all. Then I wanted to go to Spencers sooo we did.. we were gunna get a vibrator to poke people at school and at other random places and just scare random people. BUT TO ESPECIALLY THROW AT MIRANDAS HEAD IN LUNCH!!! Spencers was quite entertaining. We were playing with the Ka-Booooom things errr.. whatever they were called, they only had one soo of course Angie had to steal it from me sooo I was running around the store for like ever. Then we calmed down and then the peoples there thought we were gunna steal something 'coz they kept on stalking and following us around the entire store. OOH and there when we were just about the leave, we saw this fuzzy tickling whip and I grabbed it then started tickling Angie with the wrong side and she was like IT'S THE OTHER SIDE DUMBASS then I'm like OMG hahahahaha... it was quite funny there. Then we left, went to Claire's, left there, went to Zumiez, got bored there, went to Pac*Sun, got bored there, then to Barnes and Noble. We were listening to music for about 20 minutes. I was sooo ready to get The Killers "Hot Fuss" because I am dying for that cd but I didn't wanna pay like 16-17 dollars for it cuz they totally rip you off there!!! Soo Angie said her brother can do the cd soo she wrote down the songz for it and she'll have him do the compact disc. Then Angela called her mom to pick us up soo then we were waiting, then we got an Orange Julius smoothy. I got Cocoa Latte Swirl, she got sum Strawberry Smoothy. We got bored, we decided to take straws from every place in the foocourt. There should be a picture of them above. Then we left and went to her house. Stayed there until like 11 pm. Her parents are pretty kool. Like tonz of her relatives came over from California. It was krazyJ. We drank Diet Cherry Coke and ate Turkey Sandwiches and other random appetizers, one red round thing was really gross though. LoL. We took Buddy (her dog) out to walk about 3 timez or so. She burnt me System Of A Down's first album Toxicity because mine broke. We watched Matilda then my mom picked me up and we went home. I listened to The Killers all the way home and got a red lobster marde graw beed necklace. I forgot my System Of A Down cd though. TTYL peace all - Dj StenZiLLL.

1. Taco Bell 2. No Idea 3. Subway 4. Barnes And Noble Cafe 5. A & W 6. Arby 7. Barnes and Noble Cafe 8. Orange Julius
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Thursday, February 03, 2005

This Is My Board. Purple Griptape... Where I Circled... The Two Screws On The Headboard Are Red... And Skating With My Pink Shoe Laces. PIMP
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My Old BAM Adios... I Spiced Them Up By Putting My Brothers Pink Shoe Laces In Them. Now They Are To Be Called, "Cool"
Posted by Hello
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
YAY I think im actually gunna accomplish my new years revolution already :-)
I finally got the guts to break up with Dustin. I've stopped smoking... I've been smokeless for about a week. The drugs and everything are gone. I'm finally becoming the person I wanna be. I've turned in all my homework this semester soo far even math! I'm actually going to take care of myself now. DONT WORRY!!! I'm not going prep or anything.. I just kind of want good grades and shit. I still skate and play the drums and LOVE dance dance revolution :-) I've actually been more physically active thenever, I swear to god cuz of me stopping the smokes. OOH!!! And I've also stopped skipping classes. I don't need drugs to be kool even if I think that I'll be hated by some people. I love it! Well I'm single and loving it as well :-)
Peace - Dj StenZiLLL...
Peace - Dj StenZiLLL...
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

And once again JOSHUA WOOD!! He looks delightful and ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! This is the last of the "sexy" pictures.. for now...
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This Is My Little Fluffy Fanged Bunny... Josh Wood.. and if you ask me... he looks rather attractive in this picture
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