Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wow I'm surprised I didn't post this yesterday night, but still I'm almost too tired to post about it tonight cuz I kno this is gunna be a lot, AHH why not do this tomorrow? Okay.. I promise everybody that I will post about the Mall Of America with Angie tomorrow!!! AHH I'm just too tired!! Blah! goodnight all... i love jake!!! Hey everybody can check out my awesum Dizzy sandals though soo check it out, yo!

These are the hottest thongs (sandals) ever!! They also have the brand of Dizzy. That is hott. The pinkness in this pic is weird but they are a hotter pink than that!!
Posted by Hello
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Mall Of America!!! w00t!
w00t! I'm finally getting out of Rochester!!! w00t the cities are awesum!!! Angie, THANK YOU already for taking me!!! well this is the end of my post.. and I love Jake and miss him A LOT!! 6 more days til i get to see him!!! -StenZ.
Mall Of America!!! w00t!
w00t! I'm finally getting out of Rochester!!! w00t the cities are awesum!!! Angie, THANK YOU already for taking me!!! well this is the end of my post.. and I love Jake and miss him A LOT!! 6 more days til i get to see him!!! -StenZ.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
ahh... :-(
Note to you:Whenever I say *wink wink*... well i think you know what i mean haha *wink wink*
This is defineatly something to talk about in blogger. Tonight was AMaZinG!! I'm gunna miss Jake soooo much!! Yesterday I was like yeah okay Jake's going for a week but i just can't wait til tomorrow night and when it FINALLY is tomorrow night (tonight) it's like OMG i don't wanna leave him!!! Well why don't I talk about my night for some laughs now... Okay at about 6:10 I woke up, went to school on the bus, then swimming FIRST hour, it was actually better then I thought it would have been though, then sooner or later came 3:03, then Me, Jake, and Josh walked over to Jake's house. Mostly waited til Brit got there. Then we went to Kmart at about 3:45 and got Brit and Jakes pay check. Then went to the mall (pacsun) to get Josh's pay check. Jake and I went to hot topic and barnes and nobles. I got my Music=Life bracelet at hot topic (thank you jake even though you're probably reading this in DC right now) We hung out at the new Zumiez for a while like a whole 30 minutes, drank Berry Lemonades (AWESUM DRINK) Then we went to Jake's, Brit's, and Josh's banks to get money. Then we went back to Jakes, then Josh called up his dad to borrow the awesum Saturn. He got to. We went to Kwik Trip to fuel up with gas. We then went to the Hangar Bar and Grill, OMG funniest thing ever, our waiter was very kool. Jake's like, "Are you going to eat your fish?" and I'm like, "They're kinda really greasy, feel them." We all just started cracking up like crazy. Our waited didn't see us so he was like, "Do you guys need anything else?" Of course we were sooo crazy and laughing our asses off to say anything. He just stood there and began to smile and sorta laugh and then he's like, "Yeah" Then we cracked up some more. Josh got a cheeseburger that was bigger than his head. The waiter was very cool cuz we gave him tons of Onion Rings and he didn't charge us for drinks :) Well then we got done eating then I guess we decided to drive over where me and Josh use to live, so we went on my gravel road and drove to my old house, sorta. We went by and we saw some deer, they are psychotic aren't they? They are. Then we were driving over to the Chateau when we noticed the Northern Lights, we went on this open road over by where Ben Schuchard sort of lives. We stopped the car, Josh and Brit up front, Me and Jake in back. We got out looked at them for a while, ahh it was sooo cute! Then we got back into the car *wink wink* Then left there at around 8:45, Then Josh and Brit finally decided to go to the Chateau sooo we got there. We got there, then found out "Guess Who" didn't start until 9:45 soo we hung out in the arcade for about 30 minutes, Josh and Jake played many Konami games, too bad they took out DDR :(... I saw Jennifer and Sam, I finally met Sam after talking to him on the internet for like months and probably even a year! He's pretty awesum. Then they left and we went to go sit down. We sat in the back of the theater. OMG guesswho was a GREAT movie, HILARIOUS!!! Jake and I cuddled throughout some of it. Then it got over. Josh then drove me and Jake over to Jakes place cuz I needed to pick up my school stuff. So we did that and so yeah I'm home now at around 12:15. It was probably my best night of my life, well probably not my best but pretty damn close! IT WAS SOOO SAD SAYING GOODBYE TO JAKE!! Ahh... I was like ready to cry even though it's only a week and 25% of another week. I won't get to see him this WHOLE spring break. AHH... I miss him already, I love him sooo much! and I'm serious! He's the bestest guy in the world. He doesn't act all that, he doesn't do drugs, he's not very much of a rebel.. can't say that for sure though :-P, doesn't care what people think too much, AHHH he's awesum!! I love him some more. AHH!!! Well I'm leaving this post now and this night was amazing!! Just think he's gunna be up in the cities at about 8!! Well goodnight everyone...
-Jake, I love you soo much!
This is defineatly something to talk about in blogger. Tonight was AMaZinG!! I'm gunna miss Jake soooo much!! Yesterday I was like yeah okay Jake's going for a week but i just can't wait til tomorrow night and when it FINALLY is tomorrow night (tonight) it's like OMG i don't wanna leave him!!! Well why don't I talk about my night for some laughs now... Okay at about 6:10 I woke up, went to school on the bus, then swimming FIRST hour, it was actually better then I thought it would have been though, then sooner or later came 3:03, then Me, Jake, and Josh walked over to Jake's house. Mostly waited til Brit got there. Then we went to Kmart at about 3:45 and got Brit and Jakes pay check. Then went to the mall (pacsun) to get Josh's pay check. Jake and I went to hot topic and barnes and nobles. I got my Music=Life bracelet at hot topic (thank you jake even though you're probably reading this in DC right now) We hung out at the new Zumiez for a while like a whole 30 minutes, drank Berry Lemonades (AWESUM DRINK) Then we went to Jake's, Brit's, and Josh's banks to get money. Then we went back to Jakes, then Josh called up his dad to borrow the awesum Saturn. He got to. We went to Kwik Trip to fuel up with gas. We then went to the Hangar Bar and Grill, OMG funniest thing ever, our waiter was very kool. Jake's like, "Are you going to eat your fish?" and I'm like, "They're kinda really greasy, feel them." We all just started cracking up like crazy. Our waited didn't see us so he was like, "Do you guys need anything else?" Of course we were sooo crazy and laughing our asses off to say anything. He just stood there and began to smile and sorta laugh and then he's like, "Yeah" Then we cracked up some more. Josh got a cheeseburger that was bigger than his head. The waiter was very cool cuz we gave him tons of Onion Rings and he didn't charge us for drinks :) Well then we got done eating then I guess we decided to drive over where me and Josh use to live, so we went on my gravel road and drove to my old house, sorta. We went by and we saw some deer, they are psychotic aren't they? They are. Then we were driving over to the Chateau when we noticed the Northern Lights, we went on this open road over by where Ben Schuchard sort of lives. We stopped the car, Josh and Brit up front, Me and Jake in back. We got out looked at them for a while, ahh it was sooo cute! Then we got back into the car *wink wink* Then left there at around 8:45, Then Josh and Brit finally decided to go to the Chateau sooo we got there. We got there, then found out "Guess Who" didn't start until 9:45 soo we hung out in the arcade for about 30 minutes, Josh and Jake played many Konami games, too bad they took out DDR :(... I saw Jennifer and Sam, I finally met Sam after talking to him on the internet for like months and probably even a year! He's pretty awesum. Then they left and we went to go sit down. We sat in the back of the theater. OMG guesswho was a GREAT movie, HILARIOUS!!! Jake and I cuddled throughout some of it. Then it got over. Josh then drove me and Jake over to Jakes place cuz I needed to pick up my school stuff. So we did that and so yeah I'm home now at around 12:15. It was probably my best night of my life, well probably not my best but pretty damn close! IT WAS SOOO SAD SAYING GOODBYE TO JAKE!! Ahh... I was like ready to cry even though it's only a week and 25% of another week. I won't get to see him this WHOLE spring break. AHH... I miss him already, I love him sooo much! and I'm serious! He's the bestest guy in the world. He doesn't act all that, he doesn't do drugs, he's not very much of a rebel.. can't say that for sure though :-P, doesn't care what people think too much, AHHH he's awesum!! I love him some more. AHH!!! Well I'm leaving this post now and this night was amazing!! Just think he's gunna be up in the cities at about 8!! Well goodnight everyone...
-Jake, I love you soo much!
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Yay! Week was:) and :(
Hmmm.. My week. It starts off.... RED!
Monday: I went to school, Tuesday: Sick, Wednesday: Sick, Thursday: Went to school for about 20 minutes, I did get to see Jake though ^^, Friday: school day and still kind of sick but gotten better but my mom obviously didn't let me go anywhere cuz she was afraid of what the weather would be like. Saturday will be... BLUE!
Saturday. Well my little brother woke me up at around 9 this morning soo I was up and about quite early. Jake got off walk at about 4. We were gunna go see a movie at 4:20 literally. So I told my mom to drop me off at the Chateau at around 4:15 so we won't be late. Ends up, my mom didn't even leave the house until 4:15 soo I got to the Chateau around 4:45. We decided not to go to the movie now, and wait til later. So I suggested Pump It Up at Cinemagic soo Brittany drove us (as in me, Jake, Jennifer, James) there. Jake and I can literally play Pump It Up and DDR for hours nonstop so of course we could spend tonz of money there and tonz of time. We played Pump It Up for about an hour and a half. MY FIRST TIME EVER PLAYING PUMP IT UP AND ARCADE!! excluding DDR at the Dells a couple years ago. I WAS A BEGINNER, I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING! So it doesn't count. So mainly it was my first time ever playing arcade style. I LOVE IT! We spent about 20 dollars altogether. We played a couple other games too but nothing really fun. OOH YEAH Jake won the little trivia question and won HIS FAVORITE *sarcasm* MOVIES HAT EVER!! THE RING TWO!! OOOOH YEAH!! Me and Jake were on the pump it up dance pads and then randomly i go "this is like our dream date" then he was like "IT IS!!" cuz literally IT IS!!! Then we went to the movie "Be Cool" at about 7:15. The movie was good. Then I called up my mom and Brit gave me jenn and james a ride to jakes. Jennifer was zoned out at his house for about 50% of the time. James played this game. I mainly played SMmax on his pc not iBook. My mom showed up some time around 11:00-11:15. So I said my goodbyes to Jake. We kissed (made out ^_^). That is the latest I've ever stayed at Jakes. NOOO WAIT!! Homecoming NVM! Well besides that. We took James home and then now Jennifer is sleeping on MY bed! I should poke her. Naah, I'm tired. It's early!! BLAH! Well I love Jacob Michael Geiser <<^_^>><<^_^>><<^_^>> those smileyz are dancing :-) Goodnight all!
Monday: I went to school, Tuesday: Sick, Wednesday: Sick, Thursday: Went to school for about 20 minutes, I did get to see Jake though ^^, Friday: school day and still kind of sick but gotten better but my mom obviously didn't let me go anywhere cuz she was afraid of what the weather would be like. Saturday will be... BLUE!
Saturday. Well my little brother woke me up at around 9 this morning soo I was up and about quite early. Jake got off walk at about 4. We were gunna go see a movie at 4:20 literally. So I told my mom to drop me off at the Chateau at around 4:15 so we won't be late. Ends up, my mom didn't even leave the house until 4:15 soo I got to the Chateau around 4:45. We decided not to go to the movie now, and wait til later. So I suggested Pump It Up at Cinemagic soo Brittany drove us (as in me, Jake, Jennifer, James) there. Jake and I can literally play Pump It Up and DDR for hours nonstop so of course we could spend tonz of money there and tonz of time. We played Pump It Up for about an hour and a half. MY FIRST TIME EVER PLAYING PUMP IT UP AND ARCADE!! excluding DDR at the Dells a couple years ago. I WAS A BEGINNER, I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING! So it doesn't count. So mainly it was my first time ever playing arcade style. I LOVE IT! We spent about 20 dollars altogether. We played a couple other games too but nothing really fun. OOH YEAH Jake won the little trivia question and won HIS FAVORITE *sarcasm* MOVIES HAT EVER!! THE RING TWO!! OOOOH YEAH!! Me and Jake were on the pump it up dance pads and then randomly i go "this is like our dream date" then he was like "IT IS!!" cuz literally IT IS!!! Then we went to the movie "Be Cool" at about 7:15. The movie was good. Then I called up my mom and Brit gave me jenn and james a ride to jakes. Jennifer was zoned out at his house for about 50% of the time. James played this game. I mainly played SMmax on his pc not iBook. My mom showed up some time around 11:00-11:15. So I said my goodbyes to Jake. We kissed (made out ^_^). That is the latest I've ever stayed at Jakes. NOOO WAIT!! Homecoming NVM! Well besides that. We took James home and then now Jennifer is sleeping on MY bed! I should poke her. Naah, I'm tired. It's early!! BLAH! Well I love Jacob Michael Geiser <<^_^>><<^_^>><<^_^>> those smileyz are dancing :-) Goodnight all!
Friday, March 18, 2005

This is our oven. My brother pushed me on it earlier and the circled part was completely off. My mom was freaking out. My arm is completely red. Luckily it wasn't burning hot but my arm does hurt anyway. Luckily she fixed it though :)
Posted by Hello
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Whoa, whoa, whoa...yeah,yeah,yeah
Just felt like posting random lyrics, but from GREAT songs!
Dana Rayne "Object Of My Desire"
'Cause You’re the object of my desire
Baby, ignite my fire
Object of my desire
Hey, you really turn me on
You’re the object of my desire
wont you, ignite my fire
Object of my desire
Hey, you really turn me on
Eric Prydz "Call On Me"
Call On Meeeeee, Call On Me, Call On Meeeeeee, Call On Me!!
(mainly the whole thing throughout the whole song)
Motorcycle "As The Rush Comes" (yes i did copy it from a website)
we drift deeper life goes on
we drift deeper drift deeper
we drift deeper into the song
life goes on
we drift deeper into the sound
feeling strong
so bring it on so bring it onnnn
we drift deeper into the song
life goes on
we drift deeper into the sound
feeling strong
so bring it on so bring it onnnn
Great Djs-
Dj Tinman!
Dj Mangoo, download The Sound Of Nature!!
Dj Kurvy
Dj Liquid Blue
Dj Shadow
Dj taka
Kate Ryan, download Desenchantee
blah im going now...
Dana Rayne "Object Of My Desire"
'Cause You’re the object of my desire
Baby, ignite my fire
Object of my desire
Hey, you really turn me on
You’re the object of my desire
wont you, ignite my fire
Object of my desire
Hey, you really turn me on
Eric Prydz "Call On Me"
Call On Meeeeee, Call On Me, Call On Meeeeeee, Call On Me!!
(mainly the whole thing throughout the whole song)
Motorcycle "As The Rush Comes" (yes i did copy it from a website)
we drift deeper life goes on
we drift deeper drift deeper
we drift deeper into the song
life goes on
we drift deeper into the sound
feeling strong
so bring it on so bring it onnnn
we drift deeper into the song
life goes on
we drift deeper into the sound
feeling strong
so bring it on so bring it onnnn
Great Djs-
Dj Tinman!
Dj Mangoo, download The Sound Of Nature!!
Dj Kurvy
Dj Liquid Blue
Dj Shadow
Dj taka
Kate Ryan, download Desenchantee
blah im going now...
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Monday, March 07, 2005
Ahh...'tis me...Again
Ahh... me and Chelly are considered the, by far, weirdest people in our 1st hour Edwards gym class. We are getting to the point were we have giving almost the ENTIRE gym ceiling parts a new name! Well... above the basketball hoops there is this thing where you turn it upside down and it looks EXACTLY like an alien space ship. Soo yes that white thing with black spots that is very rounded is considered to be an alien space ship ^^! Then there are special vents up there that look very spiny like this ((())) just rounded with a long tube above them like this ===, kind of creepy if you ask me. It is called the "spiny" ball of doom. It is very dark too inside of the spins. Then there are the fans inside cages? Yes t'war (there are)! We simply just call them propellers. They are the easiest to remember, they are also very dusty. OOH and under the space ship is the flying saucer. This is all I have to blog for now. Goodnight everybody. Sleep tight!!! I love Jake. ZzZzZzZzzZzZzZ..... ^_^ i want thy mini beach ball!!! ^^ Me0w!
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Yet another post... YEAH!
Friday. This friday was the craziest school day friday ever!! Okay Thursday night I ended up going to bed at like 2:30 friday morning. Then I guess my father woke me up at 6 but I stayed in bed and went to sleep then he came down here and woke me up 5 minutes until the bed came. I was like, "I CANT GET READY iN 5 MINUTES" then he says okay then mom's gunna have to take you. My mom can't take me 'til 9 soo I got to school around 9:05 then she didn't give me a excused slip thing (like it would've been excused anyway) soo I just skipped the rest of 2nd hour and waited 'til 3rd. 3rd, 4rd, and 5th hour went by. Ooh in 5th hour I have Algebra 1 and I'm hoping I did well on that quiz ^^ but I think I did. Then in 6th hour I began to feel like crap. 7th hour my teacher Mrs. Boline sent me down to the nurse's office because she said I didn't look too well. She thought somebody had to take me down there, I looked soo pale. Then I slept in the nurses office for about an hour because my mom couldn't pick me up until school got out. After I fell asleep and woke up I felt a little better soo yeah. We picked up my little brother from his school and I went to get a hair cut and Tuesday of next week I guess I am getting this high-lite thing done to my hair. I really wanted orange hi-lites but my mom said I had to get this first and that they costed too much.. GRR!!! Then after that we went to eat at McDonalds w00t! Then my mom wanted to go to kmart soo we did and of course Jake and Brit were working. I sort of chilled with them both while they were working for a little bit but then right when they started their break I had to go but my mom didn't kno they were having their break until I told her in the car which she would have let me hang out with them for a half hour on their break. (that was a really long compound sentence) Yeah that sucks that kmart "the shoe department" can't hire another part-timer. Even though Brittany said it was boring even though it looks boring and stuff but it's good money. Hmm... my birthday's gunna come up in no time even though it's like two months away but yet to think... jobs, permits, liceases, cars, money. Everything will come in no time whatsoever. Me and Brad are kool again. I FINALLY gave him his cd soo nothing to worry about now. Hmmm... yeah my redoctane USB cable for my ps1/ps2 controller, joystick, and dance pad. It's kool for the controller and everything but THE DANCE PAD!!! It's kinda messed up, it doesn't read the arrows sometimes, it only reads about 3 of them then it won't play either the left, right, up, or down key. WHICH TOTALLY SUX! It's not the pad either, I tried it on DAnce Dance Revolution Extreme for the PS2. Yeah hopefully I'll figure out something else though cuz that would suck everytime I play it, i've only passed one song on STANDARD MODE with it soo far because it messes up on heavy mode. I can do Kick The Can and Dream A Dream on heavy mode for sure, I know I can, and I ended up failing everything on there in less than 40 seconds. Well I'm probably gunna play SMmax on LIGHT MODE with the PS2 controller. Peace-out. Good song. -StenZ. Luv ya Jake Geiser!
Yet another post... YEAH!
Friday. This friday was the craziest school day friday ever!! Okay Thursday night I ended up going to bed at like 2:30 friday morning. Then I guess my father woke me up at 6 but I stayed in bed and went to sleep then he came down here and woke me up 5 minutes until the bed came. I was like, "I CANT GET READY iN 5 MINUTES" then he says okay then mom's gunna have to take you. My mom can't take me 'til 9 soo I got to school around 9:05 then she didn't give me a excused slip thing (like it would've been excused anyway) soo I just skipped the rest of 2nd hour and waited 'til 3rd. 3rd, 4rd, and 5th hour went by. Ooh in 5th hour I have Algebra 1 and I'm hoping I did well on that quiz ^^ but I think I did. Then in 6th hour I began to feel like crap. 7th hour my teacher Mrs. Boline sent me down to the nurse's office because she said I didn't look too well. She thought somebody had to take me down there, I looked soo pale. Then I slept in the nurses office for about an hour because my mom couldn't pick me up until school got out. After I fell asleep and woke up I felt a little better soo yeah. We picked up my little brother from his school and I went to get a hair cut and Tuesday of next week I guess I am getting this high-lite thing done to my hair. I really wanted orange hi-lites but my mom said I had to get this first and that they costed too much.. GRR!!! Then after that we went to eat at McDonalds w00t! Then my mom wanted to go to kmart soo we did and of course Jake and Brit were working. I sort of chilled with them both while they were working for a little bit but then right when they started their break I had to go but my mom didn't kno they were having their break until I told her in the car which she would have let me hang out with them for a half hour on their break. (that was a really long compound sentence) Yeah that sucks that kmart "the shoe department" can't hire another part-timer. Even though Brittany said it was boring even though it looks boring and stuff but it's good money. Hmm... my birthday's gunna come up in no time even though it's like two months away but yet to think... jobs, permits, liceases, cars, money. Everything will come in no time whatsoever. Me and Brad are kool again. I FINALLY gave him his cd soo nothing to worry about now. Hmmm... yeah my redoctane USB cable for my ps1/ps2 controller, joystick, and dance pad. It's kool for the controller and everything but THE DANCE PAD!!! It's kinda messed up, it doesn't read the arrows sometimes, it only reads about 3 of them then it won't play either the left, right, up, or down key. WHICH TOTALLY SUX! It's not the pad either, I tried it on DAnce Dance Revolution Extreme for the PS2. Yeah hopefully I'll figure out something else though cuz that would suck everytime I play it, i've only passed one song on STANDARD MODE with it soo far because it messes up on heavy mode. I can do Kick The Can and Dream A Dream on heavy mode for sure, I know I can, and I ended up failing everything on there in less than 40 seconds. Well I'm probably gunna play SMmax on LIGHT MODE with the PS2 controller. Peace-out. Good song. -StenZ. Luv ya Jake Geiser!
Friday, March 04, 2005
yay MORE ppl w/BlogZ
Wow the blogging type thing has really gotten around to people. At first I only had Josh and Jakes blog in my links, now I have a lot more people. Yeah that's awesum though. Today's post is about random things mostly that happened today.
Well at school, I went to our table in the morning like usual and Dustin and Nathan sat at a different table cuz "freshman" were taking over the table. I remember when I use to be the only freshman there. Jake, Josh, 2 seniors, Sam, Dustin, and me, I think that was it. Now it's advanced with I'm not sure how many freshman. Emma (sometimes danny & tommy), Jennifer, Nathan, Tom, Kelsey, William, Dylan, it's crazyness!! But it's still kool. Then I got to miss the Spartan Scene today to meet up with my mother because she wanted her jackets out of my lockers soo I got them for her then she left. Then lunch arrived. I sat at Chelly and Miranda's table with Angie. We soon left though because they were no fun anymore. Dustin was at a table by himself soo I first decided to go over there then me and him played with my yellow bouncy ball that is probably gunna be lost at Jake's forever. Then Angie came over to the table and played with us. It was quite fun then it got boring.
I met Jake at door 6 after school like usual because it's THURSDAY of course I was gunna go to his house, we met up with Josh cuz Brit was giving us a ride. She did. We played DDR at Jake's then my mom called and I was gunna get a haircut like right when I got to jake's but then my mom said ooh you can get it done at 8 o'clock. Me and Brit played Volleyball with Jake's self-esteem ball he had gotten in Health class. I love that ball :-P! Then Josh and Brit left to go do something with Brit's dog (that sounded wrong but don't think like that.. sicko!) and to take her bro to golf. Then me and Jake went to go see his grandparents.. ooh god.. yeah it was actually alright. I thought it was gunna be like TOTALLy totally boring. HAHA I can't leave this out. When Jake's mom pulled out of the garage, she almost hit me YEAH! LoL!! It's like Brit when she thinks somebody is going but they actually don't and she slames on her breaks. I ALMOST DIED TWICE TODAY!! Even though we probably wouldn't have died! GOD I AM REALLY REALLY RAMBLING!... I am rambling really bad. Today wasn't this long and it's turning out waay longer than I thought. See god I'm doing it again. *cries in a corner with Jake tickling me to death even though I'm laughing at the same time...?* How does that work? Hmmm... Then we went to Burger King to eat out. Jake talked to his old co-workers. I tried carbonated water for the first time, it was gross. Then we ate at Jake's and watched two episodes of 24!!! 24 is the best!!! So is The O.C. (olmsted county) YEEEAH! Then my mom picked me up and said I couldn't get a haircut cuz the place was closed. We went to walmart for like two hourz though. I got a new Logitech keyboard though. One I had before but my old one broke. Then I listened to As The Rush Comes on the way back to the house. Now I'm here listening to it again, but the Armin Van Buuren Remix. Well I'm probably going to bed soon. I love to ramble. Blogging makes you catch the Rambling Flu!!! Yeah I made up a new wurd today. It is 'tus, it means "it was" cuz you kno people say 'tis which means "it is" soo yeah it's kool. God I'm tired. Goodnight everyone!! C ya around! *Ramble Ramble*
Well at school, I went to our table in the morning like usual and Dustin and Nathan sat at a different table cuz "freshman" were taking over the table. I remember when I use to be the only freshman there. Jake, Josh, 2 seniors, Sam, Dustin, and me, I think that was it. Now it's advanced with I'm not sure how many freshman. Emma (sometimes danny & tommy), Jennifer, Nathan, Tom, Kelsey, William, Dylan, it's crazyness!! But it's still kool. Then I got to miss the Spartan Scene today to meet up with my mother because she wanted her jackets out of my lockers soo I got them for her then she left. Then lunch arrived. I sat at Chelly and Miranda's table with Angie. We soon left though because they were no fun anymore. Dustin was at a table by himself soo I first decided to go over there then me and him played with my yellow bouncy ball that is probably gunna be lost at Jake's forever. Then Angie came over to the table and played with us. It was quite fun then it got boring.
I met Jake at door 6 after school like usual because it's THURSDAY of course I was gunna go to his house, we met up with Josh cuz Brit was giving us a ride. She did. We played DDR at Jake's then my mom called and I was gunna get a haircut like right when I got to jake's but then my mom said ooh you can get it done at 8 o'clock. Me and Brit played Volleyball with Jake's self-esteem ball he had gotten in Health class. I love that ball :-P! Then Josh and Brit left to go do something with Brit's dog (that sounded wrong but don't think like that.. sicko!) and to take her bro to golf. Then me and Jake went to go see his grandparents.. ooh god.. yeah it was actually alright. I thought it was gunna be like TOTALLy totally boring. HAHA I can't leave this out. When Jake's mom pulled out of the garage, she almost hit me YEAH! LoL!! It's like Brit when she thinks somebody is going but they actually don't and she slames on her breaks. I ALMOST DIED TWICE TODAY!! Even though we probably wouldn't have died! GOD I AM REALLY REALLY RAMBLING!... I am rambling really bad. Today wasn't this long and it's turning out waay longer than I thought. See god I'm doing it again. *cries in a corner with Jake tickling me to death even though I'm laughing at the same time...?* How does that work? Hmmm... Then we went to Burger King to eat out. Jake talked to his old co-workers. I tried carbonated water for the first time, it was gross. Then we ate at Jake's and watched two episodes of 24!!! 24 is the best!!! So is The O.C. (olmsted county) YEEEAH! Then my mom picked me up and said I couldn't get a haircut cuz the place was closed. We went to walmart for like two hourz though. I got a new Logitech keyboard though. One I had before but my old one broke. Then I listened to As The Rush Comes on the way back to the house. Now I'm here listening to it again, but the Armin Van Buuren Remix. Well I'm probably going to bed soon. I love to ramble. Blogging makes you catch the Rambling Flu!!! Yeah I made up a new wurd today. It is 'tus, it means "it was" cuz you kno people say 'tis which means "it is" soo yeah it's kool. God I'm tired. Goodnight everyone!! C ya around! *Ramble Ramble*