Sunday, March 20, 2005

Yay! Week was:) and :(

Hmmm.. My week. It starts off.... RED!
Monday: I went to school, Tuesday: Sick, Wednesday: Sick, Thursday: Went to school for about 20 minutes, I did get to see Jake though ^^, Friday: school day and still kind of sick but gotten better but my mom obviously didn't let me go anywhere cuz she was afraid of what the weather would be like. Saturday will be... BLUE!
Saturday. Well my little brother woke me up at around 9 this morning soo I was up and about quite early. Jake got off walk at about 4. We were gunna go see a movie at 4:20 literally. So I told my mom to drop me off at the Chateau at around 4:15 so we won't be late. Ends up, my mom didn't even leave the house until 4:15 soo I got to the Chateau around 4:45. We decided not to go to the movie now, and wait til later. So I suggested Pump It Up at Cinemagic soo Brittany drove us (as in me, Jake, Jennifer, James) there. Jake and I can literally play Pump It Up and DDR for hours nonstop so of course we could spend tonz of money there and tonz of time. We played Pump It Up for about an hour and a half. MY FIRST TIME EVER PLAYING PUMP IT UP AND ARCADE!! excluding DDR at the Dells a couple years ago. I WAS A BEGINNER, I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING! So it doesn't count. So mainly it was my first time ever playing arcade style. I LOVE IT! We spent about 20 dollars altogether. We played a couple other games too but nothing really fun. OOH YEAH Jake won the little trivia question and won HIS FAVORITE *sarcasm* MOVIES HAT EVER!! THE RING TWO!! OOOOH YEAH!! Me and Jake were on the pump it up dance pads and then randomly i go "this is like our dream date" then he was like "IT IS!!" cuz literally IT IS!!! Then we went to the movie "Be Cool" at about 7:15. The movie was good. Then I called up my mom and Brit gave me jenn and james a ride to jakes. Jennifer was zoned out at his house for about 50% of the time. James played this game. I mainly played SMmax on his pc not iBook. My mom showed up some time around 11:00-11:15. So I said my goodbyes to Jake. We kissed (made out ^_^). That is the latest I've ever stayed at Jakes. NOOO WAIT!! Homecoming NVM! Well besides that. We took James home and then now Jennifer is sleeping on MY bed! I should poke her. Naah, I'm tired. It's early!! BLAH! Well I love Jacob Michael Geiser <<^_^>><<^_^>><<^_^>> those smileyz are dancing :-) Goodnight all!


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